Monday, March 10, 2008

INDIA!!! winter 08

Faceless International is taking a trip this winter to Kalcuta India & YOUR INVITED to come with us! the dates for the faceless trip will be: December 26th-Jan.5th.

We will be flying into Kolkata India; the day of arrival and will be staying there for 2 days for a time of sight seeing, good food, shopping, and relaxing. We will then take another short flight to Hyderabad, in Southern India. In Hyderabad, we will be volunteering at a school that is in desperate need of help.

The school is in a remote part of India where volunteers do not regularly come. They take in girls who have been trafficked, and teach them things like English and other school courses. Having an education gives the girls a chance to create a successful life for themselves and limits the chance of them re-entering the sex trade.

We will be participating in construction, to teaching English or music, or applying your gifts/talents to these beautiful children. Other activities that we will be helping with are up to the group and their individual talents and desires (i.e. hair cutting, photography, musical, medical, art, etc.) We could put your talents and skills to good use-either with the girls or by building them a great school! Even if you don’t know what your talent’s are yet WE NEED YOU! There is SO much you could help with. We will then end our trip again in Kolkata for a brief stay before we head back home.

please contact sarah( if you would like more information/application.

come become the change,
Stephen Christian
faceless international

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