Friday, August 31, 2007

Scott, Staci and kids

Hey all!

Great idea Paul!! Hopefully we can keep this blog going.

Staci and I still live in St. Joseph.
I am still a full time Firefighter with the City of St. Joe ( a beautiful place on the lake :) ) I also still work with my parents at Peerless Canvas Products.

Staci is rather busy taking care of our home and 4 children. (since I work a 24hr shift at the fire station, Staci is often home alone with the kids.) She is an awesome woman and I thank God for her every day. What a blessing to have a wife that seeks the Lords will in her life daily.

Camaron is now 11 and is in 5th grade. He is a great help to mom and dad. This summer he wanted to work down at the shop, so we gave him the opportunity to work and he did an awesome job.

Brandyn is now 9 and is in the 4th grade. I think he might end up being a Lawyer like you Paul. He loves to debate and come up with arguments. Some of which I am not able to dispute. He is also a great help to mom and dad.

Rachel is now 7 and is in the 2nd grade. She is a sweet heart. She loves to bake with mom in the kitchen. She also loves to help around the house. She has a very gentle spirit.

Noah is now 6 and is in kindergarten. Being the youngest he sometimes has a hard time understanding that he is not able to do what the older boys are able to do, but then again Staci and I are amazed at what Noah is able to do. He is able to keep up with his older brothers and hold his ground very well with them.
We are so proud of Noah. On Sunday August the 5th, I was working at the fire station and I received a call from Noah. He was so excited. He told me that he accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior. After church he told Staci that he wanted to be saved so Staci had the privilege of leading Noah to Christ.
I am so blessed I now know that no matter what happens to Staci, me or our children, We will be spending eternity in heaven with each other.

We are starting to get real busy around here all 3 boys are playing soccer again and Rachel is in gymnastics. So we do a lot of running around.

Well I pray the Lords blessing on all my family. What an awsome Lord we serve.
What an awsome Heritage Oma and Opa left us. Just remember we can get caught up with our busy lives, but we must never get to busy that we put Christ on the back burner. Lets keep Christ first in all our lives.
And if we don't see each other again on this earth we can take joy in knowing that we will see each other in heaven, then we will be face to face with Jesus and what a glorious day that will be.

I love each and every one of you!


1 comment:

Mary said...

Scott, It was great to read about your family. (Let's see a picture) God has truly blessed our family because of our praying Oma and Opa. We are so thankful for that and pray that each one in this family truly turns to God. That's the only lasting thing in this life. Your family is wonderful. My brother is so blessed to have his kids close by - even going to the same church together. It would be wonderful to see each of our kids at least once a week. (An open invitation stands for free friday night babysitting for all grand babies.)